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Concern Tracker

Note and record keeping for the differently organized does the following to help you track of any information:

Concern Tracker is FREE during our public beta!

Watch our short tutorials to see how it can help you:

How it works

Track or record anything you want in 3 easy steps:
  1. Add a concern to a specific date (defaults to today)
  2. Add a question to the concern
  3. Leave a response for the question
All your notes and records are then associated with 3 things:
  1. A date
  2. A concern
  3. A question

You can rapidly find whatever you need via the the quick reports which each filter or sort by some combination of these 3 things.

Use Cases

The Concern Tracker is ideal for the following situations:

Creating work, health, or other journals

Record information on locations you service at work. Each location can be a concern, and then questions can be the work performed, or just reminders about the location (is there a dog, etc.)

Remembering how to do infrequent activities, like cooking a new recipe

Record what directions and ingredients you follow each time you try out a new recipe. No more recipe cards with lots of crossed out information, or that you wish you could remember how things turned out with one small change you made earlier.

Recording notes on a recurring subject quickly, such as gaming session reminders

Quickly and easily review what you did last session. Make notes for the new session to share, and then easily call up all notes on a specific subject at once.

Is it right for me?

Did you "organize" your room as a child by having everything laying out, because that way you could easily find it? (Do you still do that today?)

The Concern Tracker is perfect for you, as everything is automatically reported back to you by date, so older things are found by scrolling down a little more, just like digging into a pile of items being laid out. Deeper items are longer ago!

Do you tend to write things down, and tell yourself you'll organize it later, but then never do?

The Concern Tracker makes it easy by remembering the questions you used last time for a concern, reducing the time it takes to make a quick note, while still keeping a structure that allows you to quickly find things later.

Use the Concern Tracker to help you keep track of relationships, health conditions, recipes, virtual worlds, or anything else at all.

If you can type it, you can track it, at!

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